Search results for "AddSecure Link"

Co-Driver Weboffice fra AddSecure

Co-Driver Weboffice – AddSecures brugervenlige backoffice-flådestyringsprogram. For effektivt samarbejde og kontakt mellem medarbejderne på kontoret og chaufførerne på vejene

Co-Driver App fra AddSecure

Vores Android-app til professionelle chauffører gør det muligt for kontorteamet at samarbejde effektivt med chauffører i marken.

Smart communications solutions protect that which cannot protect itself

IoT og sikke..Without exaggeration, this is also the source for great threats. In the past hackers were limited to attacking computers in homes and offices but with the amazing number of devices being routinely connected to the internet, completely new possibilities are opening up for the individuals that use IoT for darker purposes. The future is dependent […]


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