Search results for "IoT"

Safe water and waste handling in Norrköping

Drinking water is our most important resource and guaranteeing fresh, clean water requires reliable systems. Norrköping has chosen a flexible and safe communication solution for the operation and monitoring of…

Smart communications solutions protect that which cannot protect itself

IoT og sikke..Without exaggeration, this is also the source for great threats. In the past hackers were limited to attacking computers in homes and offices but with the amazing number of devices being routinely connected to the internet, completely new possibilities are opening up for the individuals that use IoT for darker purposes. The future is dependent […]

How can AddSecure help you establish a smart and secure municipality?

Smarte byer ..Already back in 2015, Telenor could report that 70% of people would find smart municipalities an attractive place to live. An important part of a smart municipality or city is the use of sensors with internet access, that gather important data used to automate and improve services. Through this, the municipality can reduce costs, save […]

How to get started as a smart municipality

Smarte byer ..The smart municipality, like the smart city, opens up a ton of new possibilities. Everything from elder care to policing to waste management is going to be affected. But what should you know before trying to implement it all? Where do you even begin? Here are some common tips and concerns to keep in mind: […]

Technical Alarm Services

Our Technical Alarm Services enables you to monitor and remotely control your connected devices. Reduce costs and save time by alerting operational staff in time so they can plan and…